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100% hitchhiking - 100% world tour - Since 2013 - By Florence Renault


from January, 26th to February, 10th 2018

After crossing by foot the border between Laos and Cambodia, I hitchhiked directly toward the very touristy town of Siam Rep where I met again with my boyfriend Sebastian. We bought a three days pass to visit the amazing archaeological site of Angkor by bicycle and then by scooter to reach the most remote temples. In Battambang, we saw impressive swarms of bats. By canoe, we discovered the floating village of Kompong Luong: the church, the school, the temple, the shops ... everything was floting! In Phnom Penh, we were hosted by a Cambodian couple. My strongest souvenir of the capital is the genocide museum in a former secret prison ... The atmosphere is freezing. After a stop at the small seaside resort of Kep-sur-Mer, we continued my hitchhiking world tour to Vietnam .

Photographies Of Cambodia


Angkor Wat C'est le plus grand des temples d'Angkor. It is the biggest of the temples of Angkor

Angkor Ce parc archéologique classé au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO était l'une des plus grande ville du monde au Moyen-Âge. This archeological park is a UNESCO world hertitage center. It was one the biggest city of the world in the middle age.


Angkor Wat

Enfants moines qui bénissent les touristes en échange de quelques pièces. Children-monks who bless tourists in exchange of few coins

Angkor Wat

Porte d'enceinte d'Angkor City door of Angkor

Ta Prohm C'est le temple rendu célèbre par Tomb Raider. C'est aussi l'un des rares temples partiellement envahi par la végétation. It is the temple becoming famous because of Tomb Raider. It is one of the rare temples partially covered by vegetations.

Ta Prohm


Coucher de soleil à Ta Prohm Sunset in Ta Prohm

Porte d'un temple

Porte d'un temple

Un des 70 temples d'Angkor : trois jours n'ont pas suffit pour tous les visiter ! One of the 70 temples of Angkor : 3 days were not enough to visit all of them !

Ruines, Angkor

Moines touristes Tourist monks

Ecritures khmères vieilles de 1000 ans 1000 years old Khmer writings

Bayon Temple

Bayon Temple


Rue/Street, Battambang

Durian géant, le "roi des fruits", célèbre pour sa mauvaise odeur Giant durian, the "king of the fruits", famous for it bad smell

Vue du mont Sampeou, Battambang View form Sampeou Battambang

Grotte du mont Sampeou où était jettés vivants les victimes de la dictature khmère rouge (1975-1979) Sampeou Mount Cave where victimes of the Red Khmer dictatorship had to jump to kill themselves (1975-1979)

Chauve-souris A la tombée de la nuit, des milliers de chauve-souris quittent la grotte pendant plus de trente minutes ! Bats When the sun sets, thousands of bats leave the cave. It takes more than 30 minutes !

Canards Ducks

Singes Monkeys

Le Cambodge est un pays majoritairement plat. Cambodia is mainly flat.

Ecolières Schoolgirls

Marché/Market, Krakor

Marché/Market, Krakor

Kompong Luong, un village flottant sans touristes Kompong Luong, a floating village without tourists

Jeune enfant ramant dans le village flottant Young children paddling in the floating village

Kompong Luong

Commissariat flottant Floating police station

En période sèche, le chemin menant au village flottant est une réelle déchetterie. During the dry season, the way to the floatting village is a real wastes collection.

Epicerie flottante Floating grocery store

Eglise flottante. Il y a aussi des temples bouddhistes flottants. Floating church. There also are floating buddhists temples.

Palais royal, Phnom Penh Royal palace, Phnom Penh

Wat Phnom, Phnom Penh

S-21 : ancienne prison secrète et actuel musée du Génocide 2 à 3 millions de Cambodgiens ont été tués par le régime de Pol Pot de 1975 à 1979. S-21 : former secret prison and actual genocide museum 2 to 3 millions of Cambodian has been Killed by Pol Pot regime from 1975 to 1979.

Tortionnaires et victimes Les gardes sont des adolescents entraînés à réaliser des tortures. Ils finissent à leur tour prisonniers et tués. Torturers and victimes. The torturers are teenagers trained on tortures. They end up captive and killed

Salle de torture Torture room

Couloir de la prison S21 où on était détenus plus de 12000 personnes. 7 ont survécu. Corridor of the S21 prison where 12000 were arrested. Only 7 people survived.

Kep-sur-Mer Ancienne station balnéaire construite lors de l'époque coloniale Française Seaside town build during the French colonial time.

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