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100% hitchhiking - 100% world tour - Since 2013 - By Florence Renault


Florence Renault is the first woman who did a hitchhiking world tour.

This former videoreporter tells her continous eight years continuous travel stories (from 2013 to 2021) on this website and on her social medias, but also during conferences. She visited schools, associations and French Institutes during her trip in Argentina, Mexico, Canada, the United States, Australia, Timor, Laos, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Uganda and Zambia and Morocco.

Since her return to France in 2021, she propose three types of conferences for adults or children: 

1 - “Hitchhiking around the world”  Conference for adults (1h45),

2- “Hitchhiking around the world” Meeting for children (1 hour),

3- “Tips for an ecological and economical trip” Workshop for adults (1h)


1 - Conference for adults : “Hitchhiking around the world(1h45)

Florence Renault tells the story of her eight years hitchhiking around the world and shows 100 photographies and 2 short videos. She shares her learnings, her vision of the world, of people and the lives of those she met.
She also talk about travel anecdotes, practical tips, ecological issues, cultural differences and geopolitical situations. 
The conference (1h25) ends with a question/answer time (20 minutes) with the public.

Size: room or amphitheater

Materials needed: video projector and microphone


2- Meeting for children : "Hitchhiking around the world" (55 minutes)

Florence Renault talks about her eight years of hitchhiking around the world and shows 50 photos and 2 short videos. Unlike the conference for adults, this meeting does not mention the practical aspects of her trip (finances, visas, borders...) nor geopolitical situations, but it focus more into the animals and the respect for nature, to make the children more curious about the World. Florence Renault asks and answers the children's questions at the same time that she tells her story and shows pictures (45 minutes) then there is a moment for the last questions (10 minutes).

Number: class

Age: 5 to 10 years old

Materials needed: video projector

Minimum 2 meetings in the same school 

3-  Participatory workshop “Tips for an ecological and economical trip” for adults (1 hour)

With a budget of 10 euros per day, Florence Renault aspires to simplicity and minimalism. Then this “alternative travel style” quickly led her to a convinced ecological approach. During this workshop, she asks the participants about their practical travel tips and then details her own tips, whether in terms of transport, accommodation, food, activities practiced, etc.

Number: maximum 40 persons

Materials needed: White board and board pen

This participatory workshop is usually organized as a supplement of the conference for adults.

It is aimed at people who wish to travel backpacking or are interested in eco-responsible travel.

If you read as far as here and you still hesitate to makes me visit you,

Here is a list of good reasons to organize conferences to:

- Have a good time of escape and relaxation

- Listen to a unique life testimony

- Share a positive vision of society

- Learn new knowledge about the World, its geography and geopolitics

- Practice a foreign language (if you want the intervention to be in French or Spanish)

- Feel curious for new countries and cultural differences

- Discover alternative ways of traveling (hitchhiking, local accommodation, etc.)

- Understand a minimalist and ecological approach;

- Motivate yourself to believe in your dreams and make them come true

The conferences fees dependin on the reception structure, the number of interventions and participants, the transport costs from Tours, France (where I live) and also accommodation if needed. To receive your price quote, you can contact me by email

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