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100% hitchhiking - 100% world tour - Since 2013 - By Florence Renault


from August, 7th to September, 6th 2017

After visiting East Timor , we hitchhiked to the west of the island, which belongs to Indonesia. By hitchhiking a plane of Transnusa airline company , we reached the island of Flores for ten days and then the island of Sulawesi. But the other airline company, which was supposed to offer us a plane ticket to Singapore,  no longer responded to our messages. We were therefore stuck in Makassar, in the middle of the Indonesian archipelago. Our tourist visas would expire ten days later. It was not possible to extend our visas, the overstays fines were very expensive and I was afraid that the authorities would force me to buy a plane ticket, which would end up my hitchhiking world tour challenge. A race against time began. Finally Pelni Ferry agreed to take us free on board of a ship to Jakarta (Java Island) and to Batam, the island in front of Singapore. We spent four days at sea. On the last day of our visa expiry, we hitchhiked a last ferry to Singapore that we could see in the distance. Our month-long trip to Indonesia ended in a stressful race. That is why we felt relieved to arrive at city-state, our entrance gate for the Asiatic continent

Photographies Of Indonesia

Fashion, Soe

Photo, Soe Indonesian people love pictures. Everyday they ask me to take pictures of themselves or to take pictures of me.

Riz, tofu, épinards, omelette, boulette de pomme de terre Rice, tofu, spinach, omelet, smashed potatoes ball

Camion-stop avec Sebastian Hitchhiking a truck with Sebastian

Marché, Kapan Market, Kapan

Le pasteur nous offre l'hospitalité dans l'église. Sa femme nous prépare le petit-déjeuner avant de reprendre la route. The pastor offer us hospitaity inside the church. His wife cooked us breakfast before keeping hitchhiking.

Un veau est né chez la voisine cette nuit. A calve is born by the neighboor last night

En allant au marché, Kapan Walking to the market, Kapan

Vendeuse, Kapan Saleswoman, kapan

Marché, Kapan Market, Kapan

Vendeuse de sel, Kapan Salt saleswoman, Kapan


Brassard nazi... Ne me demandez pas pourquoi... Nazi Armband... I don't know why...

Route vers Fatumnasi Road to Fatumnasi

Cuisine de l'auberge, Fatumnasi Kitchen of the homestay, Fatumnasi

Ma chambre, Fatumnasi My bedroom, Fatumnasi

Puit, Fatumnasi Well, Fatumnasi

Tombe/Grave Sur les îles de Timor et de Flores, les tombes familiales sont installées dans le jardin ou sur la terrasse. In Timor and Flores Islands, the graves of the family stand in the garden or the terrace.

Noix de bétel / Betel nut C'est une drogue traditionnelle populaire à la campagne. Elle se mâche comme du tabac, colore les gencives en rouge, et se recrache rouge sur le sol. This is a traditional drug, very popular in the countryside. It has to been chewed, it colors the gum in red, and it ends up spit in red on the ground.

Cuisine traditionnelle, Fatumnasi Traditional kitchen house, Fatumnasi

La voisine, Fatumnasi The neighboor, Fatumnasi

L'arbre dans la mer, Kupang The tree in the ocean, Kupang

Plateformes de pêche, Kupang Fishing platforms, Kupang

Bateau de pêche; Kupang Fishing boat, Kupang

Sebastian, mon compagnon de voyage Sebastian, my travel partner

Yusuf Notre couchsurfer nous fait découvrir Kupang. Our couchsurfer shows us around Kupang

Famille Mocka/Mocka Family Yusuf, couchsurfer, nous héberge trois jours chez sa famille. Yusuf, couchsurfer, hosts us 3 days by his family.

Architecture typique du Timor Typical architecture in Timor

Coucher de soleil, Kupang Sunset, Kupang

Plage, Kupang Beach, Kupang

Marché, Kupang Market, Kupang

Marché, Kupang Market, Kupang

Marché, Kupang Market, Kupang

Vendeur de coqs, Kupang Roosters salesman, Kupang

Joueurs de cartes, Kupang Cards players, Kupang

Grand-mère stylée, Kupang Stylish grandma, Kupang

Vendeur d'épices, Kupang Spices salesman, Kupang

Pêcheurs, Kupang Fishermen, Kupang


Avion-stop de Kupang (Timor) vers Maumere (Flores) avec Transnusa en échange d'une vidéo promotionnelle Hitchhiking a Transnusa plane from Kupang (Timor) to Maumere (Flores) in exchange of a promotional video

Kupang vu du ciel Kupang from the sky

Atterissage à Maumere (Ile de Flores) Landing in Maumere (Flores island)

Lever de soleil sur le cratère du parc national de Kelimutu Sunrise on the crater of Kelimutu National Park

Kelimutu National Park

Autre cratère du parc national de Kelimutu Other crater of Kelimutu National Park

Paysan, Moni Peasant, Moni

Travail dans les champs, Moni Working in the fields, Moni

Rizières, moni Ricefields, Moni

La pomme de Jacque est le plus gros fruit du monde. The Jack fruit is the biggest fruit of the world

Sur le chemin du travail, Moni Going to work, Moni

La pompe à essence à manivelle, Moni The hand gaz pump, Moni

Défilé du 17 août, fête nationale d'indépendance en Indonésie, Ende Parade of the 17th of August, National Independance Day in Indonesia, Ende

Spectateurs, Ende Spectators, Ende

Majorettes, Ende Cheerleaders, Ende

Manège, Ende Merry-go-round, Ende

Chorale de l'école, Ende School choral, Ende

Terrasse en bord de mer, Ende Terrace along the sea, Ende

Vendeuse de ballons, Ende Balloon Salewoman, Ende


Terrasse, Green Stone Beach, Penggajawa Terrace, Green Stones Beach, Penggajawa

Plage de pierres vertes, Penggajawa Green Stones Beach, Penggajawa

Les collecteuses de pierres vertes. Ces pierres sont exportées au Japon et en Allemagne pour décorer les aquariums. The green stones collectors. These stones are exported to Japan and Germany to decorate aquariums.

Plage de pierres vertes, Penggajawa Green Stone Beach, Penggajawa

Singe, Nangaroro Monkey, Nangaroro

Plage, Nangaroro Beach, Nangaroro

Sous l'eau, Tonggo Underwater, Tonggo

Volcan Inerie, le plus haut sommet de l'île de Flores (2245m) Inerie Volcano, the highest peak of Flores Island (2245m)

4 heures d'ascension pour atteindre le sommet de mont Inerie 4 hours hiking to reach the summit of Mount Inerie

Vue du mont Inerie View from Mount Inerie

Autres vue du mont Inerie Other view from Mount Inerie

Epicerie, Bajawa Grocery Store, Bajawa

Maisons, Bajawa Houses, Bajawa

Rue, Bajawa Street, Bajawa

Vendeuse de bananes frites, Bajawa Fried bananas saleswoman, Bajawa

Mosquée/Mosque, Bajawa L'indonésie est un pays majoritairement musulman mais l'Ouest du Timor est majoritairement protestante et l'ïle de Flores catholique. Indonesia is mainly muslim but West-Timor is mainly protestant and Flores Island mainly catholic.

Couturier, Bajawa Designer, Bajawa

Jeux d'enfants, Bajawa Children playing, Bajawa

Hôtesse/Steward Second avion-stop avec Transnusa de Maumere (Florès) à Makassar (Sulawesi) Hitchhiking a plane for second time with Transnuwa from Maumere (Flores) to Makassar (Sulawesi)

Petite île indonésienne entre Flores et Sulawesi Little indonesian island between Flores and Sulawesi

4 jours de ferry-stop de Makassar à Batam. La compagnie de ferry Pelni m'offre des billets de passagers en échnage d'une vidéo promotionelle. Hitchhiking a ferry 4 days long from Makassar to Batam. The company Pelni gave me free passengers tickets in exchange of a promotional video.

Classe economique : nous passons deux premiers jours dans l'immense dortoir du ferry de Makassar à Jakarta Economic class : we spent the 2 first days in the huge dormitory of the ferry from Makassar to Jakarta.

Classe économique de Jakarta à Batam Economic Class from Jakarta to Batam

Cabine Première classe pour nos deux derniers jours de voyage en ferry de Jakarta à Batam First class cabin for our last 2 days of ferry trip from jakarta to Batam.

Passager Passenger

Mosquée à bord : Même sur le ferry, vous êtes réveillés à 5heures du matin par la prière de l'iman. Mosque on board : Even on the ferry, you get woke up at 5am by the imam prayer

Officier Officer

Autre passager Other passenger

En haut du mât At the top of the mast

Pelni Ferry

Coucher de soleil Sunset

Place principale, Jakarta Main square, Jakarta

Vieux port, Jakarta Old harbor, Jakarta

Coucher de soleil, Vieux-Port, Jakarta Sunset, Old harbour, Jakarta

Temple bouddhiste, Batam Buddhist temple, Batam

Mosquée, Batam Mosque, Batam

Video: Hitchhiking Planes Across Indonesia

Indonesia with Transnusa
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Video: Hitchhiking ferries Ferry-Stop Through Indonesia

Indonesia by PELNI ferry
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